GCC gets robbed, gets sick but gets home to David in one piece
DAVID, CHIRIQUI, U.S. COLOMBIA February 10th, 1883 My dear Mother, Have just returned from a six weeks trip to Tolé, and other far distant places, continually travelling from one place to another; got a little sick (perhaps from the sun) near Tolé but am all right again now; came yesterday from San Lorenzo, 40 miles on horseback, arriving very tired. Shall remain about a fortnight, then all being well, go by sailing vessel to Panama, en route for San Miguel in the Pearl Islands. The winds are very strong now, perfect hurricanes and I expect we shall have it rather rough on the way, all through February and March the “northers” are fearful; you can scarcely keep a hat on when you go out. In this trip have had to rough it a good deal, had various casualties - money stolen, sick for a few days (the boy also) and, still, I got back again all right, in spite of all my troubles. Have no time now to write much on arrival at Panama (City) in March; will write again, just send off a few lines now to say that all is well. Hoping you are all well and with best love to all. I remain Dear mother Your affectionate son George C. Champion
A view across the swamps and creeks through which GCC rode on his mule