June 2011
June 2011
1 min

Saturday 18th June 2011

1 min

VISIT TO THE UK - ONGOING PREPARATIONS: Ongoing preparations for the journey are coming on fast. Recently I travelled to the UK to obtain more background material for the journey. This involved a visit to the Royal Entomological Society library, where I photographed the journals of G C Champion's brother-in-law J J Walker.

Photographing the journals of J J Walker in the Royal Entomological Society library

This was followed by a visit to the Natural History Museum, in London, where the original letters from GCC in Central America to his employers, Godman and Salvin, are now kept.

Standing next to the plaque commemorating Godman & Salvin at the NHM

Finally, I visited the Oxford Museum of Natural History, where I was shown around the collections by Curator James Hogan. Many specimens obtained by G C Champion and J J Walker are housed in this museum's extensive collections.

Specimens of the weevil Baris scolopacea, collected by GCC on the Isle of Sheppey
