GCC's final letter from GuatemalaHOTEL DEL GLOBO, GUATEMALA March 29th, 1881 My dear mother, Just a few hasty lines with a letter I am posting to Mr. Salvin - am very busy packing up for the journey, it is almost as bad as leaving England; once more I go amongst strangers. I leave by the coast steamer of April 4th for Panama. All being well, I ought to arrive in about a week, the coast steamers call at the ports of Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica going down, and take much longer than the Mail steamers. I left Torola on the 16th and arrived in Guatemala the same day, it took me eleven hours to make the 15 leagues journey. I received your letter of February 4th a few days after I wrote, was very glad of the papers. Mr Godman has probably returned from India by this time. Am carrying money from Guatemala for expenses in Chiriquí, but am rather afraid to take much - it is so heavy, all in silver dollars, no gold, my servant goes with me. The 7th collection has reached Mr.Salvin (it was brought by ‘The Nile’) and he seems very pleased with it. I send off the 8th and last from Guatemala when I reach Panama. Have sold my mule (am sorry to part with her, we were such old friends) but have yet to find a customer for my horse; the mule cost me 100 dollars and had to sell it for 62 dollars.
Have had some photo’s taken here, will send you one from Panama. I believe I have altered so much that you will scarcely know me when I come back. I got a letter from Walker a few days ago, from Chile, he appears to be very well, he spent his Xmas in the Straits of Magellan. Oh, so dusty and dry now! I came up from the coast in the night to avoid the heat and dust. I take letters of introduction to Panama from the English minister, and also from the Consul; the latter has been a very good friend to me in Guatemala; have some slight misgivings about Chiriquí, but so I had of Guatemala, must wait and see; some people praise it up, some run it down; however it cannot be so bad as Panama, that I am sure, Cartago and San José are very near, that is one consolation, I can easily shift. Mr. Morgans has brought out his wife and two children, they are now in Guatemala city. Hoping you are all well, Believe me, etc.