Tuesday 13th December 2011

Greetings to all from Panama, where I arrived on Saturday evening. Unfortunately, my laptop, from which I have been updating my diary entries and uploading photographs, crashed unexpectedly a couple of days ago. This may have been because I connected my Sony Bloggie camera, which appeared to have died some weeks ago due to extreme humidity when I was travelling in Peten, Northern Guatemala, but which to my surprise I found had recovered when I returned last week to Guatemala City, to the laptop in order to upload some pictures I had taken of the amazing Mapa en Relieve, or Relief Map, a 1:10,000 horizontal scale and 1:2,000 vertical scale three-dimensional representation of the whole of Guatemala (and Belize), constructed in the early 1900s. When I completed this operation, the laptop went completely crazy and since then I have not been able to use it. Consequently, there will be no further diary updates until this problem has been resolved. My apologies to all my loyal followers!